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International Forest Day is Coming!! 🕺

The beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Trees are beautiful. Everyone would agree with that statement but what does it mean to you? What makes them beautiful? How did we subconsciously come to that conclusion? And is it naïve of us to keep thinking this way.
The truth of the matter is that beauty fades away. If not well taken care of, pampered, puffed up with love, care and tenderness. It all goes away in the blink of an eye. When we as beholders keep holding to the status quo that beauty is eternal then we have subconsciously left the fate of our trees to be ravaged by time and environmental factors that we impose knowingly or unknowingly.
Beauty does not fade away when there’s genuine love. Beauty imitates the love it’s shown. Our trees can only imitate the love they are shown. So, on the 21st day of March 2023, we as Tupavu purposed to go beyond beholding the beauty of trees around us and we consciously went out to nature to love it. We visited schools in and around Kitale town, Trans Nzoia county in Kenya to awaken the love of trees among the young. The day was mixed with feelings of gratefulness and appreciation of what could be. We are who we are! Deep down, even as we handed down 1K+ trees to all the little ones that lined up with excitement and hope for a better future, we knew it's only up to us collectively to paint a new kind of beauty with these kids, and for these kids. We folded our shirts and blouses and unearthed that soil and poured all of our love into those trees.

  1. By Admin
  2. Mar 29, 2023

International Forest Day is Coming!! 🕺

The beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Trees are beautiful. Everyone would agree with that statement but what does it mean to you? What makes them beautiful? How did we subconsciously come to that conclusion? And is it naïve of us to keep thinking this way.
The truth of the matter is that beauty fades away. If not well taken care of, pampered, puffed up with love, care and tenderness. It all goes away in the blink of an eye. When we as beholders keep holding to the status quo that beauty is eternal then we have subconsciously left the fate of our trees to be ravaged by time and environmental factors that we impose knowingly or unknowingly. We didn’t retrieve even with soil getting in between our fingernails, every grain of soil mattered. We only had one resolve, trees and trees only. The rains came even as we planted the trees and we couldn’t hold back our joy, how nature responded to our efforts and with every rain drop affirmed and patted us on our backs for a good well-done job. We finished our day with an environmental talk about the importance of the work that the students were doing and what an International Day of Forests we had! Forever in our hearts!

  1. By Admin
  2. Mar 29, 2023