About us

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What we do, Why we do it

Grow Nature !

Trees are extremely important in the environment and in keeping the balance of our ecosystem. They also give us fresh air, shade, and nutrition. However, deforestation and urbanization have resulted in the rapid depletion of the world's tree cover. This has resulted in a number of environmental issues, including air pollution, land erosion, and climate change. In light of this, there is an urgent need for tree planting projects to aid in the restoration of the environment and the promotion of sustainable development.

1, 000

Fruit Trees Planted


Schools Reached


Other Trees Planted

5, 000

Learners Impacted
✓ Goal

The Tupavu tree planting initiative aims to promote the planting of fruit trees and other indigenous trees in schools across the nation, thereby increasing tree cover and promoting nutrition.

Our Team


Project Management Specialist


Software Systems Developer